This Holiday Season…

Investing in a good direct mail strategy within your marketing campaign can greatly increase visibility and sales. The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, accounts for more sales than any other time of year for most retailers.  But buying patterns are changing and its important that your marketing stays ahead of these trends to maximize your sales this year.   

But it can be difficult to stand out and not get lost in the crowd.  The following are some ideas to stay ahead of the competition and break through the holiday clutter. 

Stay ahead of the game

In 2021 shoppers started their shopping earlier due to supply chain issues and the effects of the pandemic.  Stay top of mind with shoppers this holiday season by getting your name out there before the barrage of traditional marketing starts.   

Perhaps you could mail a “Start your shopping early” promotion that starts a few weeks or a month early and runs through the traditional start of the holiday season.  This will let you stand out while also capitalizing on the changing marketplace.  

Holiday Promotional Direct Mail

Push them online 

2021 saw a huge surge in online shopping.  This was both due to the pandemic measures and the supply chain issues making it convenient to find products online rather than searching at understocked retail locations.  In general, consumers tended to view shopping online as a favorable experience and are more likely to continue shopping that way in following years.   

Clearly, the importance of online shopping has grown. A great way to leverage the lasting impact of a direct mail, while at the same time pushing e-commerce over traditional brick and mortar shopping, is to capitalize on this trend by pushing customers online through your direct mail promotions.   

Direct mail has an impact that can’t be matched by a promotional email or online advertisement, so use it to your advantage to make cross channel promotions work for you.  

Holiday Promotional Direct Mail

Don’t forget the power of a promotion 

Nothing drives sales like a strong promotion. Sometimes all it takes to get customers through the door is a strong promotion or a “loss leader”.  Traditional promotions really work, and once someone is through the door, or on your site, they often buy a lot more than what they came for.  Let them experience your great service and you will surely have a long-time repeat buyer – well beyond the holiday season.   

Holiday Promotional Direct Mail

We encourage you to reach out to one of our team members. They will help walk you through your options and plan a direct mail promotion that really stands out, even at the busiest time of year.  

Please reach out to one of our experts at 604-951-6855 or click here to contact us online. 

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