Introducing the three C’s by Canada Post
Canada Post has developed a program that helps you market better through direct mail. What does this mean for your marketing campaigns?
- Connect with your customers
- Captivate their interests
- Convert them for a better bottom line
By going through a Smartmail Marketing Partner or even taking advantage of Canada Post marketing tools, you can save time and money in mail the audience you want. Canada Post hopes to reduce acquisition expenses and increases returns. They support this with better data hygiene services to ensure accuracy and improved deliverability.
Once you have found your audience, the next task is to captivate them. Smartmail Marketing Partners like IDRS have experience developing and focusing existing programs to maximize engagement. In our ever increasingly digital world, this often involves delivering immersive brand experiences – integrating both print and digital elements to further enhance engagement.
The end goal of any marketing campaign is conversion. Increasingly, this is happening through multiple marketing channels, often corner stoned by Direct Mail. Supporting your digital channels with Direct Mail is progressively becoming the strategy of choice. Smartmail Marketing Partners like IDRS have experience leveraging multi-channel promotions to deliver better conversion rates and improve the bottom line of your marketing programs.
If you would like to know more about how a Canada Post Smartmail Marketing Partner can help you and your marketing programs, please contact us. Our team at IDRS is happy to help you better connect, captivate and convert your customers.
Feel free to call us at (604) 951-6855 or click here to contact us online.