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Mail Marketing

Direct Mail for the Holiday Season


This Holiday Season... Investing in a good direct mail strategy within your marketing campaign can greatly increase visibility and sales. The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, accounts for more sales than any other time of year for most retailers.  But buying patterns are changing and its important that your marketing stays ahead of these trends to maximize your sales this year.    But it can be difficult to stand [...]

Direct Mail for the Holiday Season2022-11-24T11:18:59-08:00

The Right Envelope


It's all about the FIT! Finding the right envelope is important for the presentation of your mail. First impressions matter, your mail is an extension of you and your company. You ALWAYS want to find the right envelope size and shape for your project. You should always consider the finished size of the insert and how you would like it to fit into an envelope. The insert should be [...]

The Right Envelope2022-11-24T16:12:25-08:00
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